The RecurrenceRule type exposes the following members.


Public methodAnnually
Specifies that the event will repeat every year.
Public methodDaily()()()()
Specifies that the event will repeat daily.
Public methodDaily(Int32)
Specifies that the event will repeat every x days.
Public methodStatic memberDecode
Loads a rule from a string encoded using Encode() method (DataRecurrenceField).
Public methodStatic memberDecodeStart
Public methodEncode
Creates a string representation of the rule that can be stored in the database (DataRecurrenceField).
Public methodStatic memberEncodeExceptionDeleted
Creates a string representation of a 'Deleted' exception from the rule that can be stored in the database (DataRecurrenceField).
Public methodStatic memberEncodeExceptionModified
Creates a string representation of a 'Modified' exception from the rule that can be stored in the database (DataRecurrenceField).
Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberFromDateTime
Creates a new RecurrenceRule from starting DateTime. It prefills certain fields but it's still necessary to specify it further by calling methods like Weekly().
Public methodStatic memberFromJson
Loads a rule from a JSON string returned by the UI dialog (RecurrentEventEdit.aspx).
Public methodStatic memberFromList
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodIndefinitely
The event will repeat indefinitely.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodMonthly()()()()
Specifies that the event will repeat every month.
Public methodMonthly(array<Int32>[]()[][])
Specifies that the event will repeat every month on certain days of month.
Public methodMonthly(array<Int32>[]()[][], Int32)
Specifies that the event will repeat every x month on certain days of month.
Public methodMonthly(array<Int32>[]()[][], array<Int32>[]()[][])
Specifies that the event will repeat in certain months on certain days of month.
Public methodStatic memberPrefix
Returns the recurrence string prefix for this master id.
Public methodTimes
How many times it will be repeated.
Public methodToJson()()()()
Serializes the rule to a JSON string that can be used to fill the UI dialog (RecurrentEventEdit.aspx). It is only able to serialize a subset of the possible rules that can be loaded by the dialog. It uses the culture of the current thread.
Public methodToJson(CultureInfo)
Serializes the rule to a JSON string that can be used to fill the UI dialog (RecurrentEventEdit.aspx). It is only able to serialize a subset of the possible rules that can be loaded by the dialog.
Public methodToString (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodUntil
What the ending date of the repeat range.
Public methodWeekly()()()()
Specifies that the event will repeat every week.
Public methodWeekly(array<DayOfWeek>[]()[][])
Specifies that the event will repeat on certain days every week.
Public methodWeekly(array<DayOfWeek>[]()[][], Int32)
Specifies that the event will repeat on certain days every x weeks.

See Also